TOP 10 elden ring new game plus what carries over BEST and NEWEST
TOP 10 elden ring new game plus what carries over BEST and NEWEST . Inside the vault check the safe deposit box in the far right corner in the back of the room. All quest lines, every npc dialogues until the end of their quest lines How to Beat Radagon and Elden Beast in under a minute (NG+5) r from To unlock this trophy you need a total of 125 tokens (80 for the legendary weapons, 20 for the dyes, and 25 for the face paints). Beat malenia at level 1 malenia is famously one of elden ring's hardest bosses, and while this could easily have been an achievement for beating the game at l1 to become a onebro, i thought i'd. To view individual pieces of armor please see the helms, chest armor, gauntlets and leggings pages.